
Racing start delayed due to 25 knot winds – looking for another site on the lake. Local forecast is for winds to ease off.
Wednesday’s racing got underway with a solid 10 knots, as both courses headed out to complete round robin one. The sailors were kept onshore slightly longer than predicted in order to keep them warm whilst the race officials got ready. At the end of the first round robin, we had repecharges for gold-silver and silver-bronze. On the A course, Saint Kents and Queen Charlotte moved from gold to silver, and Napier Girls and Rangitoto successfully moved up to gold fleet. Napier Boys moved up to silver along with Taupo, to take the places of Mount Aspiring and Kristin in silver fleet. The race committee on both courses were kept busy with constant wind shifts and subsequent course adjustments. As the breeze continued to freshen this afternoon, the fleet was sent ashore briefly to reef the sails and return to racing of the second round robin. There were a few thrills and spills today with some boats capsizing in the heavier conditions. A great day of racing was had by most sailors with the race committee doing an excellent job to get races underway. Some teams had a few mishaps with the course adjustments such as missed marks. After day two Kerikeri still maintain their lead, while Auckland Grammar have arisen to second place followed by Marlborough in the gold fleet. Silver is led by St Kents, New Plymouth Boys and Queen Charlotte. Mount Aspiring now lead the bronze fleet ahead of Macleans and Kristin. The forecast for day three is for south west 15 knots dropping out to 5 knots in the evening.
More photos from Susana day 2