Central North Island Regionals at Taupo

Link for photos from Susana https://photos.app.goo.gl/
The final day started with plenty of time for ‘reflection’!!, but eventually a steady & consistent, albeit light wind, that only required a couple of minor tweaks to the course, as the remaining 16 races of round 2 were completed.
Ties were created in the final races of the day, which saw Napier Girls A beat Napier Boys B to go to the top of Gold, with New Plymouth Boys in 3rd place.
Cambridge were the convincing winner of silver fleet, with the last race of the day producing a 3-way split for 2nd (Aquinas), 3rd (Taupo Nui a Tia) and 4th (Otumoetai) – this was finally resolved through Appendix D, on lowest average points against common competitors.
Napier Girls A retained the Girls Trophy, while Tauhara repeated their win of the Local Trophy against Taupo Nui.

After some course adjustment, CNIs had a fantastic day of reasonably consistent wind which allowed the completion of Round Robin 1 (bar one race which was delayed due to gear failure)
Taupo Nui, Aquinas and Cambridge will swap with Napier Girls A, New Plymouth Girls and Napier Boys B for Round 2.
Updates fro LTYC can be found at https://www.ltyc.org.nz/page/519497
Forecast looking like some consistent wind again for RR2, although somewhat lighter which might help reduce the incidence of gear failure.
Day 1 Central North Islands at Taupo – results so far