February News

The 2018 Secondary Schools Team Sailing Championship, will be held 21st – 27thApril, at Algies Bay. YNZ has recently granted New Zealand representative team status to the winning team at Nationals should they attend the Interdominion Championships.
Note that the closing date for entries is 28th March, which is just before Easter and before some regional events have been held.
Entries are via the online Entry Form, but refer to the NOR for required & essential info, before attempting to complete the entry.
As always please pay particular attention to #4 Eligibility, including entry requirements and Appendix X.
There is no travelling discount this year.
Also remember Clause #7 – Sailing Instructions. The Race Committee again intends that the warning signal will be made at 3 minutes before the start as normal, but the preparatory signal will be made at one minute before the start instead of the normal 2 minutes. This reduces the time before the start, when the rules of Part 2 apply, and therefore during which boats can be penalised, to only the last minute before the start. This change has been introduced in an effort to reduce the amount of rapid manoeuvring before the start, which frequently results in damage to boats.
At the time of entry could you advise if any of the entrants have any medical issues that we should be aware of, please.
An early indication of entry is always welcome, particularly from new teams. (or previous teams not intending to attend)
A reminder that all members of a secondary school sailing team who participate at either regional or national events must be junior members of NZTSA. This year the fee for a Junior Member is $1 – this will be included in the SSNats entry. However, sailors in teams who attend regional events, but not SSNats must become members – we ask that the organisers of regional events collect the relevant sailor details (name & address) and fee, then forward to the Secretary, NZTSA. This is not a revenue gathering exercise, but a method of registering members. Regionals organisers please adjust your NORs accordingly if necessary. Schools entered in SSNats, automatically become Associate Members and will be entitled to vote on any NZTSA matters. Other teams, etc (e.g. attending regionals only) may also apply for membership and therefore, be entitled to vote, too.
The annual teams umpire course is scheduled to be held on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 April at Algies Bay – the exact venue is to be confirmed. This course concludes with attendees sitting the exam to qualify as a team umpire or for those needing to recertify.
Please also note that all supporters (as well as competitors) must wear buoyancy vests while afloat. This includes the change-over vessels and any other support boat. Make sure these are brought with you.
NORs for the North of the Bridge and Top of the South regionals are also on the website, plus one for the Open Nationals scheduled to be held at Kerikeri in June.
Plans are underway for a Lower South Island regional event at Lake Hood over the weekend of 7th & 8th of April. The NOR will be published as soon as details are confirmed.
Any further NORs, reports, etc can be forwarded for uploading on the website/facebook page.
Additional Notices:
There is a Blue Blue i420 (2011) for sale, $9,000 ono. The boat is based in Papakowhai (Wellington) for viewing. Email: thetaits@inspire.net.nz or phone Greg 027 436 7316 for more info, or check it out on Facebook – NZ Sail Boat Bits and Boats For Sale
Waiheke High School are looking for a double stack trailer as they have recently taken delivery of 4 x 420’s. Please contact Robin direct via rkmarineskills@gmail.com with any ideas for a double stack trailer supplier or an available double stack.