Countdown to Nationals

There are 31 teams entered for this year’s regatta, which has led to a change to the Notice of Race. Basically, because we have an odd number of teams for 3 fleets, we have put the extra team in the bronze fleet, rather than the gold fleet, as in the NOR. This is to maintain safe load requirements on the Jane Gifford, the gold-silver course change-over boat.
Any team able to bring a suitable umpire boat, please email Ross.
Also, a few reminders for the lead up & before the holidays start. Registration and weigh-in Saturday 23rd April 1400 – 1730 at the Mahurangi East Community Centre, Snells Beach. Briefing will also be at the Community Centre at 1800.
As per the NOR, there will be daily briefings at 8:15am at SYC, Algies Bay.
Due to the large numbers we are limited to the number of people that we can have on the change-over boats. Only the coach or manager/duty person will be allowed and only if they are wearing an adequate buoyancy aid. Team reserves not being used, are asked to be assistant umpires. They can be quickly swapped on to the change-over boats as required.
There is still opportunity to register for the free YNZ teams umpiring course being held at Sandspit Yacht Club, Sandspit on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd. For registration please contact Danika at YNZ , by Friday 15th.
The prize-giving dinner to be held on the evening of Friday 29th April, requires formal dress please. The entry fee provides each team with 9 tickets for the dinner and any extra tickets can be purchased for $25 at registration on Saturday. There is a Managers’ Meeting scheduled for 1930 Wednesday 27th April, at SYC, Sandspit – all welcome to attend (not just the managers!).
However, in line with our Constitution, to be eligible to vote on any NZTSA matters, schools must nominate one person who may exercise voting rights on their behalf. On payment of the membership fee of $1, the school becomes an Associate Member. School team sailors are Junior Members (membership is part of entry to this event), but they have no voting rights.
Results – especially for those who are unable to make it to the event – will be posted on the website as they are called off the finish boats.
Also, remember to like us on facebook.
Support personnel and umpires, please bring your own VHF (& charger) if possible.
Sailors and helpers please remember to bring a shackle key.
If anyone has a ‘gifted pen’ and would like to write any reports during the regatta, please let Gay know.