Category Archives: Secondary School Nationals

Day 3 – A Waiting Game

Today the wind conditions re-enforced that racing is a waiting game!  The wind was very slow in arriving and whilst we got on the water at the planned time this morning racing was delayed till late in the morning. The wind didn’t stay for long and continued to evade us even with the clouds that loomed in the distance these […]

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Results of Repechages

DAY TWO REPORT:The wind wasn’t too flash today with the AP flag up until after 11 and the end of the day called early at 3.45pm due to dying wind. All fleets have managed to get through their repechage races and now it’s down to racing.  With limited opportunity for great sailing conditions it made it hard to achieve lots of racing […]

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Reminder to Teams entered Nationals

We have 32 teams entered for this year’s regatta. A few reminders for the lead up & before the holidays start. Registration and weigh-in Saturday 21 April 1400 – 1730 at the Mahurangi East Community Centre, Hamatana Road, Snells Beach. Briefing will also be at the Community Centre, the doors will open just before 6pm. As per the NOR, there will be daily briefings at 8:15am […]

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February News

The 2018 Secondary Schools Team Sailing Championship, will be held 21st – 27thApril, at Algies Bay. YNZ has recently granted New Zealand representative team status to the winning team at Nationals should they attend the Interdominion Championships. Note that the closing date for entries is 28th March, which is just before Easter and before some regional events have been held. Entries […]

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2018 SSNats Venue

Due to rising costs and in an effort to keep the event affordable, it has been decided that the 2018 Secondary Schools Team Sailing National Championships will be held at Algies Bay, from Saturday 21 April to Friday 27 April. (Registration and Briefing on Saturday afternoon, with sailing from Sunday). The NOR should be available early in Term 4. For […]

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