Auckland Grammar win South of the Bridge Regionals

From the results of the incomplete round robin from day 1, a gold and silver draw for day 2 was constructed, which worked well. The breeze filled in early, although light, but steady, out of the south west. RR2 was able to be completed, followed by the start of another split fleet round robin. However, by about race 12 at 3pm, there was a major wind-shift and sailing was abandoned. There was a quick prize-giving using the results from the completed gold and silver round robin only. The 420’s were then sent off ‘home’, with the beach trolleys off on road trailers.
Thanks to all who helped make this a successful regatta.
Final Results South of the Bridge 2016
RR 2 Results South of Bridge 2016
Results- Incomplete RR3 South of the Bridge 2016