Day 2 2024 Open Team Racing Nationals Report

Day Two of the 2024 Open Team Racing Nationals stated with some light airs in the morning, which eventually perked up and settled with strong, gusty shifts coming throughout the afternoon. Overall, we saw much tighter and more intense racing, withteams fighting for every win.

By midday, RR1 was completed, with Kiwi Team Racing dominating for 100% wins. ASC managed 9 wins, with Thievery and RNZYS close behind on 8 wins each. A standout team of the day was Wanakans, who started the day with 2 wins, but fought hard in the heavier breeze to claim 7 wins over the day.

The second round robin started strong, and each teams ability to read the water and wind shifts became a huge factor in their racing strategy. Umpires noted some interesting sailing tactics, including BBL’s trial of single-handed racing, and Wamilton’s attempt at an fully-inverted-boat start.

We are looking forward to our final day of racing, with the finish of the second round robin, and the beginning of the finals round.